Mus Greet

Join our movement
to revolutionise the
future of uniting

Join our movement to revolutionise the future of uniting communities

Our Values





Our Values

Our Culture

We’re looking for candidates who are mission-focused, data-driven, and above all else, looking for a deeper meaning in their work. We pride ourselves in hiring talented individuals from all walks of life and non-tech backgrounds. We advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and creating a safe and welcoming space to address key topics affecting our society today.

mus greet will always remain a startup at heart with an aim to continue to have small groups of tight-knit teams working cross-functionally, learning from each other, and not being afraid to take on grand challenges.

Our Culture

We’re looking for candidates who are mission-focused, data-driven, and above all else, looking for a deeper meaning in their work. We pride ourselves in hiring talented individuals from all walks of life and non-tech backgrounds. We advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and creating a safe and welcoming space to address key topics affecting our society today.

mus greet will always remain a startup at heart with an aim to continue to have small groups of tight-knit teams working cross-functionally, learning from each other, and not being afraid to take on grand challenges.

Leadership Capabilities

At mus greet we want to ensure that it is clear to all employees and candidates what it takes to succeed at mus greet – what skills do we hire for, promote and reward. Our Leadership Capabilities help us live our values and achieve our goals. These are the skills and behaviours that we hire for and are rewarded at mus greet. As a candidate, you need to evaluate whether mus greet is the right fit for you – are the behaviors we require of you aligned with how you operate or the behaviors you want to develop?

Leadership Capabilities

At mus greet we want to ensure that it is clear to all employees and candidates what it takes to succeed at mus greet – what skills do we hire for, promote and reward. Our Leadership Capabilities help us live our values and achieve our goals. These are the skills and behaviours that we hire for and are rewarded at mus greet. As a candidate, you need to evaluate whether mus greet is the right fit for you – are the behaviors we require of you aligned with how you operate or the behaviors you want to develop?

We are Mission Driven

You relentlessly focus on communities and ask how the decision you’re making impacts them. You ask whether your actions and decisions are in line with our company values. You believe your work here is helping to improve the life of others and that motivates you to go above and beyond in your work.

We are Mission Driven

You relentlessly focus on communities and ask how the decision you’re making impacts them. You ask whether your actions and decisions are in line with our company values. You believe your work here is helping to improve the life of others and that motivates you to go above and beyond in your work.

We have a Growth Mindset

You contribute to a culture of learning fast by admitting mistakes (big and small). You empathise and appreciate others point of view and you continuously seek out new opportunities to learn. You welcome feedback. You believe abilities, like talent and intelligence, can be developed through dedication and hard work.

We have a Growth Mindset

You contribute to a culture of learning fast by admitting mistakes (big and small). You empathise and appreciate others point of view and you continuously seek out new opportunities to learn. You welcome feedback. You believe abilities, like talent and intelligence, can be developed through dedication and hard work.

We are able to Navigate Ambiguity

You can cope with uncertainty and risk. You can adapt to change in your role, in the business and shifting priorities. You can make decisions based on the information you have even if it’s not all of the information. You are flexible and assume the best of intentions. You have great problem solving skills.

We are able to Navigate Ambiguity

You can cope with uncertainty and risk. You can adapt to change in your role, in the business and shifting priorities. You can make decisions based on the information you have even if it’s not all of the information. You are flexible and assume the best of intentions. You have great problem solving skills.

We are Skilled Collaborators

You value the team’s success over your own and are generous with your talents, insights and sharing the spotlight. You are open to different viewpoints, ask questions and actively listen. You go the extra mile for your colleagues and take the time to build relationships and trust.

We are Skilled Collaborators

You value the team’s success over your own and are generous with your talents, insights and sharing the spotlight. You are open to different viewpoints, ask questions and actively listen. You go the extra mile for your colleagues and take the time to build relationships and trust.

We have a Bias to Action with Data

You gather the data needed to make a decision and make it quickly. You take smart risks and avoid getting side tracked by worry or doubt. You don’t turn over every stone or ask every question in the pursuit of perfect information. Rather, you assess if you have enough and move forward.

We have a Bias to Action with Data

You gather the data needed to make a decision and make it quickly. You take smart risks and avoid getting side tracked by worry or doubt. You don’t turn over every stone or ask every question in the pursuit of perfect information. Rather, you assess if you have enough and move forward.

Careers at mus greet

Data Science

Product/Growth Data Scientist

UK / Remote

Careers at mus greet

Data Science

Product/Growth Data Scientist

UK / Remote
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